Who We Are

Mojza's Aims

Mojza is a student-led organisation aiming to provide quality resources for Cambridge students.

The organisation members, being students themselves, are all too aware of the struggle of locating related resources. We hope to benefit the entire Cambridge community by arranging notes from prestigious teachers, our own original resources and also other beneficial websites. We have hopes in aiding students and making their path to success a little less daunting!

Our Story

During my O levels preparations, I found resources over the internet to be helpful but disorganized. It was difficult to find exactly what you need. 

So, while looking at the link of a website, I decided that I will take on this myself. To provide my juniors with what I wished I had for myself.

Hussain Moghal

Connect with us

Follow us on Instagram for educational content & updates

Join our 5000+ member student community on discord

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for more resources

Follow us on LinkedIn for updates and announcements

Our Team

Founder & CEO

Hussain Ahmed Moghal

Chief Operating Officer

Mussarat Fatima

Chief Operating Officer

Shaheer Ali

Chief of Staff

Ayesha Amjad

Director Web Development

Dayyan Abdullah

Director Graphic Design

Fasiha Raza

Director Publications

Aroosham Mujahid

Director Social Media

Qirat Khan

Director Social Media

Amina Asar

Director Publications

Miraal Omer

Join the team

Join us on our journey to fulfill Mojza’s aims to provide the best resources for students!

Our Partners

r/IGCSE are a community catering to students all across the globe, assisting them with their IGCSE examinations. They hope to help students to make sure their IGCSE journeys proceeds as smoothly as possible. They are completely student-run, and all their resources have been created by or sent by other IGCSE students, who want to share them with others, such that it can be used by everyone in the r/IGCSE community.


We sincerely thank all the teachers that allowed us to make use of their notes for our purpose. Much of this would not be possible without them and we are highly grateful for that.

Mojza is very grateful to all its team members and especially the volunteers for making this possible.


Our copyright policy for resources: