Mojza Blog
by Ayesha Hassan Qureshi | 29 Jan 2023

The word Procrastination is derived from the Latin prefix pro(forward) and crastinus(of tomorrow). Ancient Greek philosophers put forward a term called Akrasia for being lazy in completing tasks. In the modern world, procrastination is the urge to delay the task assigned to one due to multiple reasons. Such delaying is conjectured from the following behavioral abstract:
- Lack of punctuality.
- Intention-behavior conflict
Procrastination is not considered a disease. However, it is often linked to many mental health challenges, like depression, anxiety and low self-esteem . However, it is often linked to many mental health challenges, like depression, anxiety and low self-esteem Most of the people living in this universe practice procrastination. According to the perspective of people, the major cause of procrastination is the fact that they wait for the right time to be motivated to work on a particular task. As man is a social animal, he finds pleasure in short-term benefits. Scientifically, the cause of procrastination is the discrepancy in the human mind between long-term and short-term pleasures. A successful YOU need to be carved from the beginning, but humans desire to get instant pleasure, thus falling prey to procrastination.
We want an instant reward from nature, and thus procrastinate for the late outcomes. And because of this, and because of this, as long as we don’t we don’t take an action on the project, the anxiety, the pressure, and the grinding guilt to do so cause restlessness. When a person person starts working on working on the project, the stress gradually reduces, because because the ‘‘Action Line’’ has been crossed..The condition before the the Action Line is crossed is worse crossed is worse than the condition after it has been crossed, because they have it has been crossed, because they have just conquered their their procrastination. What’s better than this?
The only pain that remains after crossing the Action Line is the hustle to finish the task as soon as possible. A great saying goes as follows: great saying goes as follows:
“There should be no fear left within a man when it has finally taken a step towards fearlessness.”
The Procrastination Cycle
Have you ever wondered how you move in a procrastination cycle? Delaying a task causes you to feel guilty, and then an oncoming feeling of panic dribbles in as you realize your circumstances. This eventually leads to you making excuses as to why you didn’t complete it in the first place, again causing you to procrastinate. You unknowingly follow the same perpetual cycle whenever you procrastinate, so try to avoid that.Delaying a task causes you to feel guilty, and then an oncoming feeling of panic dribbles in as you realize your circumstances. This eventually leads to you making excuses as to why you didn’t complete it in the first place, again causing you to procrastinate. You unknowingly follow the same perpetual cycle whenever you procrastinate, so try to avoid that.
Ways to Overcome Procrastination
Make a to-do list
You must have been getting advice from your parents, teachers, and school counselors to make a timetable or a to-do list since your childhood in order to be productive, as well as get leisure time. Make a to-do list and try to reward yourself for completing your goals of the day. By following a set plan, you’ll be able to effortlessly glide through the day’s tasks. Furthermore, expecting a reward at the end will make you look forward to completing the them. By following a set plan, you’ll be able to effortlessly glide through the day’s tasks. Furthermore, expecting a reward at the end will make you look forward to completing the them.. Psychologists say that rewarding yourself for small tasks works wonders to get a big achievement. So, why not try this tactic?
Make dull tasks more appealing
This is the most effective way to stop procrastinating. If you procrastinate in studying a hard topic, watch a video that explains it to you in the most efficient way. If it seems hard to learn, for example,, for example, vocabulary words words, you can write them on colorful sticky notes, and stick them in the corner of your bedroom that you like the most and may have decorated. While sitting there and admiring your hard work on decorating that corner, you will get a glimpse of the the sticky notes more often, and this will help you memorize the new, seemingly difficult words more easily.this will help you memorize the new, seemingly difficult words more easily.
Commitment Device
Another tactic that psychologists love to use is the “commitment device”. You try to get rid of the things that distract you from your work. It could be a video game, a social media app, or anything else. You try to get rid of the things that distract you from your work. It could be a video game, a social media app, or anything else. Try to block these distractions from your computer or phone by turning on focus mode (a feature available in many devices), installing web blocker, or simply deleting them by turning on focus mode (a feature available in many devices), installing web blocker, or simply deleting them . This tactic works wonders, because it ensures that y, because it ensures that you don’t fall prey to procrastination.
Divide large tasks into smaller ones
If you have to complete a chapter, divide it into smaller topics or divide it into smaller topics or try to learn the formulas, go through the diagrams, and read individual topics with concentration first first. After getting done with the tidbits, completing that chapter will become an easy and fun and fun task.
How to make yourself more consistent (a pro tip)
I use this tip more often just to keep track of my important deadlines, i.e:, i.e: the tasks that I have have to prioritise. I usually make a to-do list of tasks starting from the most important to the least important for six days in a week, leaving behind Sunday as a Funday. I try to focus on the first task instead of instead of boggling my mind with six of them simultaneously. After completing all of these tasks in six days, I make a to-do list for the next week, and the cycle goes on. This technique helps me to complete most of my tasks before the deadline. This method is termed as Ivy Lee Method.
Overcoming procrastination isn’t difficult. You. You only need to need to have the passion and determination and determination to stop it from distracting you from the most important tasks. The above-mentioned techniques are really helpful, if followed strictly. Be consistent and conquer the world, fellas!
Author: Ayesha Hassan Qureshi
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Published: 29 January 2023
Last Updated: 19 July 2023
Written by Ayesha Hassan Qureshi