Mojza Blog
Habit Stacking
by Mussarat Fatima | 22 Jan 2023

Habit stacking is a simple yet powerful tool for making lasting changes in your life. The idea behind habit stacking is to take a new habit you want to form and stack it on top of an existing habit that you already do every day. This creates an easy and natural way to incorporate the new habit into your daily routine.
Existing Habits
One way to start habit stacking is to identify the habits that you already have in place. For example, you may already have a habit of brushing your teeth before bed every night. This can be the existing habit that you stack your new habit on top of. Let’s say your new habit is to read for 10 minutes before bed. You can stack this new habit on top of your existing habit of brushing your teeth. Now, every night before bed, you will brush your teeth and then read for 10 minutes.
Another way to habit stack is to use a trigger. A trigger is something that happens in your day that can be used to remind you to do your new habit. For example, you may have a habit of drinking a cup of coffee in the morning. This can be the trigger for your new habit of going for a walk. Every morning, after you drink your coffee, you will go for a walk.
Habit stacking can also be used to break bad habits. For example, you may have a habit of checking your phone as soon as you wake up. To overcome this habit, you can follow these steps:
1. Identify the trigger: In this case, the trigger is waking up in the morning.
2, Plan a replacement habit: Instead of reaching for your phone when you wake up, plan to do something else that’s beneficial for you such as reading a book, writing in a journal, or stretching.
3. Stack the habits: Make a habit of doing this replacement habit immediately after you wake up, before you check your phone. This will help to make it a new routine.
4. Reward yourself: Give yourself a small reward each time you successfully complete the replacement habit. This will help to reinforce the new habit and make it more likely to stick.
5. Reflect and adjust: Reflect on your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your plan. If you find that the replacement habit is not working, try a different one, or adjust the timing of when you do it.
It’s also important to keep in mind to not keep your phone close to you while sleeping, this will make it harder to grab it in the morning. And also you can keep your phone on Do Not Disturb mode during sleeping hours to avoid distractions.
By stacking new habits on top of existing habits or using triggers, you can make the process of forming new habits easier and more natural. Give it a try and see how it can change your life. It’s important to note that it takes time to develop a new habit, and it’s often a long process, so be patient with yourself. Start small, and as the new habit becomes a part of your daily routine, you can increase the duration or frequency.
How to Start Habit Stacking
A few initiatives to start habit stacking could be:
Waking Up Early
One of the most effective ways for students to start habit stacking is to wake up earlier. By setting an earlier alarm, we can create a routine that includes studying, exercising, or even meditating before the start of our day. This can be stacked on top of an existing habit such as brushing teeth or having breakfast. Waking up early can help us have a more productive day and have more time for studying and other activities.
Plan Your Day
Another useful way to start habit stacking is to plan your day in advance. This can include creating a to-do list, setting goals, and scheduling study time. Planning your day in advance can help you stay organised and on track throughout the day.
Exercise for 20 Minutes
Exercise is a great habit for us to stack on top of an existing habit. It can be stacked on top of a habit such as going for a walk, taking a shower, or even brushing teeth. By incorporating 20 minutes of exercise into your daily routine, we can improve their physical and mental health.
Take a Break after Studying
Taking a break after studying is important for the brain to absorb the information. You may use a timer to help you stay on track and focused. You can stack the habit of stretching or taking a walk on top of this habit. Every time you take a break after studying, you will stretch or take a walk.
In conclusion, habit stacking is an effective method for everyone to improve their daily routine and achieve their goals. By stacking new habits on top of existing ones, we can make the process of forming new habits easier and more natural. It can help in developing better time management, focus, and overall well-being.
Author: Mussarat Fatima
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Published: 22 January 2023
Last Updated: 19 July 2023
Written by Mussarat Fatima