Mojza Blog

Essential Benefits of Including Art in School

by Hamna Zahid | 17 sep 2023

Whether you are a passionate artist or someone who is interested in the arts, you must have always heard undermining comments towards it. People often overlook the importance of enrolling in art classes, not realizing that it can be the key to unlocking their full creative potential. Beyond the joy of artistic expression, art education offers numerous benefits that extend far beyond the canvas. So, let’s take a closer look at the role of art and how it influences education, enriches the workplace, and contributes to becoming a more well-rounded and empathetic human being.

Academic Success Through Art:

Ever wonder if there is a magical formula that can boost both your academics and your artistic flair? Research conducted by the College Board shows that students who took four years of arts and music classes scored an average of 92 points higher on their SATs than students who took half a year or less. To learn more about the research, you should read this paper on it.
This determines that if one immerses themselves in the world of art, they vitalize both sides of the brain, leading to greater academic performance across all subjects. Art is considered to develop creative and critical thinking, alongside having been found to enhance performance in non-art subjects like Science, Math, Reading, Writing etc. It is like an atomic bomb, spreading its creativity into every issue. So, unleash your creativity and watch your grades soar!

Art’s Impact on Learning:

Are you tired of sitting through the same boring, monotonous lectures that feel never-ending, and going through dull notes without any hint of colour? Art opens a gateway for students to study with the help of diagrams, mind maps, and colourful images in course books. Colourful visuals are what breathe life into every subject, no matter how boring it can be! If you want to know more on how you can incorporate art into studying through mind maps and colour-coded notes, read this article on The Most Effective Study Techniques.

Art enables studying Math with geometry, angles, graphs and charts that come alive as examples of the theory you are trying to engrain in your brain. Witness science unfold like a complicated puzzle before you, with the help of diagrams of human anatomy, illustrations representing the complexities of nature and images of chemical reactions without the assistance of an actual lab! Study English with graphic novels and appealingly illustrated classical pieces of literature to spark your imagination. Even learning a foreign language becomes easy by watching foreign films with subtitles, which are delivered to us by art. Art revolutionises the way you learn, making every subject captivating and intriguing to its novice.

Enhancing Emotional Intelligence Through Art:

Art speaks louder than words! We all come across days when our emotions feel like a rollercoaster ride. By picking up a paintbrush and letting the paint run free on the canvas, you can channel your emotions through artistic expression and efficiently regulate your emotions, preventing potential breakdowns and saying goodbye to bottled feelings. It isn’t just about colours and shapes; it’s a key to understanding the world from different perspectives. By exploring various art forms and cultures, you’re not only learning techniques but also gaining the ability to connect with others at a deeper level. Hence, making you more emphatic.

Did you really think art is just about creativity? Definitely not! In fact, it also enhances your emotional intelligence. Science proves that emotional intelligence is a blend of brainpower and sensitivity. As you create art, you gain skills that help you handle emotions – both yours and others. You become an emotional expert! Not only that, but it is also your ticket to improving social skills.

Cultivating Creative Superpowers:

Art can be harnessed to be used as a powerful tool to charge your brain power. It elevates creative thinking, liberating minds that open endless possibilities to many scenarios and fueling personal growth and innovation. When you face a challenge, your creative mind doesn’t settle for the ordinary but comes up with multiple ways to tackle it from different angles. Imagine dealing with a tricky and complex maths equation, writing an essay that can captivate its reader, or handling a science experiment with an unexpected twist. All of these put your creative mind at work, turning all gears inside your brain. So, let your imagination run wild at its own pace because art sessions are not only for splashing painting but also a medium for your mind to break its limits and grasp the extraordinary.

A Confidence Booster:

Are you someone who is confined to their own bubble of social anxiety but wants to be a free spirit who doesn’t hold back their words? If so, by taking group projects that often take place in art class, you are encouraged to face the spotlight. This creative side of yours will give you a nudge to become a confident communicator, ready to take on any challenges. 

Through artistic progress, an artist witnesses themself climbing up the stairs of improvement. Each stroke and shape that gets better fuels your confidence. An inside voice will be there to cheer you up; “You’ve got this!” Your confidence does not remain limited to arts only because this newfound confidence will start to take over your academics as well. The visible efforts in the art project give you a boost, that you have what it takes to overcome challenges.

Art’s Synergy With Other Skills:

As you take a step into the career world, you will come to realise that art isn’t limited to the canvas. It’s a fantastic skill fusion that will help you, whether you are aiming to be a full-time artist or going for a completely opposite career path. A study reveals that combining arts with STEM subjects (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) nudges you to unlock your inner creativity and innovation. Picture an engineer who not only is a maths genius, but also has artistic abilities. When crafting a structure, the engineer will not only make it functional but also stunningly appealing to the eye, creating a masterpiece! While in the medical world, art is known to be a form of therapy to uplift a patient’s spirit. Entrepreneurs who wield artistic creativity can work on creating eye-catching brands and coming up with marketing materials that quite literally turn heads! The arts open new doors to many career paths, including graphic design, illustration, visual arts, and even art therapy, allowing individuals to channel their creativity into a wide range of professions.

Many companies usually are seeking employees with skills such as creativity, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence. All of these are enhanced by art. This increases your probability of landing a good job. So, whether you want to pursue a career in the lab, under a spotlight, on a canvas, or in a boardroom, art has got your back!
In the academic world, there’s an unspoken rivalry between science and art. Most often, science is given more priority and art is left in the dark. It is time we balance the two. They are not opposing forces but, in fact, go hand in hand. It is not a choice between test tubes and canvases; they both should be used in harmony if we want to innovate the magnificent. Let’s build together a future that considers both art and science, equally essential elements in education.

Incorporating Art into Your Life:

Recognizing the importance of art and understanding its role in our academics and social life is just the beginning. So, how can you infuse it into your daily life? Begin by exploring art-related subjects in your academic curriculum. For O-level students, Art & Design (6090) is a great option, while A-level students can consider keeping  Art & Design (9479) or Music (9483) along with other subjects. If managing extra subjects feels daunting, our article on “How To Manage Extra Subjects” offers helpful insights that will aid you in managing art along with your STEM or Commerce subjects. Don’t have these subjects in your school or college? Worry Not. You can immerse yourself in the world of art by joining art electives or art clubs. This will not only connect you with creative individuals but will also help you explore your artistic interests. Additionally, numerous art institutes offer short courses and summer schools, some spanning several months. In Pakistan, a couple of options include:

Karachi School of Art – Karachi
DA’ ART Institute of Art and Design – Lahore
HUNERKADA College of Visual and Performing Arts – Islamabad

Keep an eye out for one-day or two-day workshops hosted by renowned art institutes in your city, regardless of your location. Many successful artists are self-taught, and if you’re passionate about the arts, you can watch YouTube tutorials to teach yourself. Acquire a sketchbook, camera, or musical instrument and start experimenting to embark on your creative journey! For a little more assistance, explore online courses on platforms like Coursera or Udemy.

Don’t underestimate the potential of infusing art into your STEM subjects, and utilize mind maps, graphs and diagrams in your notes. This way, you will awaken your inner creativity while exploring the intersection between art and science. To develop an appreciation and interest in the arts, consider visiting art galleries and museums or watching documentaries to build your interest and appreciation for it. Lastly, use art as a therapeutic outlet to release stress and anxiety, particularly after a tiring day. By integrating these strategies, you can easily make art a part of your life, enhancing your creativity and enriching your daily experiences.

So don’t make the grave mistake of letting go of art this school year. It can be your ultimate companion in each and every corner of your academic, work or day-to-day life. If you are someone who hasn’t had even a glimpse of the world of art, you need not hesitate. In the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson; “Every artist was first an amateur.” As you step into the halls of learning, let art join you and fill your life with colours.


Vaughn, K., & Winner, E. (2000). SAT scores of students who study the arts: What we can and cannot conclude about the association. Journal of Aesthetic Education, 34(3/4), 77-89.


Author: Hamna Zahid

Proofreaders: Miraal Omer, Syed Muhammad Shaheer Ali and Maryam Farhan


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Published: 17 September 2023
Last Updated: 17 September 2023
Written by Hamna Zahid